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All the Religions are Islam

Global books bank All the Religions are Islam
Global books bank All the Religions are Islam

All the Religions are Islam


All the Religions are Islam

by Nazim Uddin Ahmed (Faruq) (Author), Mesbah Uddin Ahmed (Translator)

£4.50 incl. VAT

4.6 Good Rating

Following the path of time, we had all the Enlightened Entities coming into this world for our salvation. Without Their involvement, we humans, who are considered as the most superior among the living beings, may not sustain as we often prioritize our individual desires. However, this insatiable greed has had profound repercussions. Our very minds have become the catalyst for division, leading us down a path of violence in our relentless pursuit of personal gratification. We exhibit a willingness to resort to any means necessary to actualize our desires, which includes depriving people of their rights and enforcing dominance based on discriminatory notions of caste and creed. We have become disturbingly adept at taking human lives, executing such horrific acts with alarming efficiency and precision. Our proficiency in this regard is reminiscent of a well-practiced task, executed with a level of professionalism that leaves little room for error even to repent. Regrettably, our conduct surpasses that of mere animals, reflecting a deeply troubling inclination towards acts of violence. Our actions speak louder than our words. Being born as the greatest of the creation doesn't make us great at all. It is knowledge and philosophies that make us true human beings. That is the reason behind all These Entities coming to us and blessing us with knowledge, art, and philosophy. <  More  >

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